BlogMotion is a full-stack blogging platform built with React, TypeScript, Node.js, and MongoDB. It allows users to write, share, and engage with blogs, featuring secure authentication, rich text editing, and symbolic payment integration via Stripe.
QuickStock is a dynamic stock management app that allows users to efficiently manage and track purchases, sales, firms, brands, and products. Featuring a modern UI built with React, Vite, and Material UI, the app performs seamless CRUD operations while offering real-time data insights and user authentication.
CineWave is a movie app where users can search for movies, view details, watch trailers, and manage their favorites. It integrates Firebase authentication and TMDB API, built using React, Context API, Tailwind CSS, and Axios for seamless data handling.
CookBox is a recipe app that allows users to search for recipes by name and category, view detailed information including ingredients, calorie values, and images. Built with React, Styled Components, Context API, and Axios for seamless data management and user authentication.
Quiz App is an interactive application that tests users' knowledge on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Built with React and React Router, it features category selection, progress tracking, and feedback on quiz results. Modular CSS and React Bootstrap are used for styling and UI components.
Product Management App is a comprehensive system for managing products, allowing users to add, edit, delete, and view product details. Built with React, React Router, Axios, and modular CSS, it supports CRUD operations with a mock API and provides a responsive, user-friendly interface.
Random User App is a React application that fetches and displays random user information from an external API. Built with React hooks and Axios for API integration, it allows users to view and save user details. The app uses React Bootstrap for responsive design and a clean user interface.
Hospital Appointment App is a React application that helps manage patient appointments. Users can add, view, check, and delete appointments with data stored in Local Storage. Built with React hooks, event handling, and date formatting using date-fns, it offers a simple and responsive interface for managing hospital appointments.
Task Minder is a React-based To-Do app that allows users to add, view, check, and delete tasks. Tasks are stored in Local Storage for data persistence. The app is built with React hooks and provides a responsive, user-friendly interface for managing daily tasks efficiently.
Fenerbahçe Legends is a React app showcasing legendary players from Fenerbahçe football club. Built with React hooks and props, the app displays player details with dynamic state management and controlled components for form handling, offering an interactive and engaging user experience.
Weather App is a web application that fetches and displays real-time weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API. Built with JavaScript, axios, and async/await, the app provides weather information based on the user's location or a searched city. It also supports language selection for English and German.
CountryNavigator App is a web application that fetches and displays location-based data using multiple APIs. Built with JavaScript, async/await, and fetch, it provides detailed country information and user geolocation data using and REST Countries APIs. The app features a responsive design for an enhanced user experience.
My Wallet App is a functional wallet application built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. It allows users to manage their financial data through form inputs, store values in local storage, and navigate stored data using array methods. The app features responsive design and interactive functionality.
Streetwear E-commerce Website is a responsive online store built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The site features a modern layout for showcasing streetwear products, including functionality for adding items to the cart, managing user interactions through event delegation, and calculating totals. It offers a sleek, user-friendly shopping.
iOS Calculator Clone is a functional calculator replicating the iOS design. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it uses `eventListener` and `` for handling user input and calculator logic, showcasing skills in algorithm development and interactive web design.
Harry Potter Memory Game is a responsive, interactive memory game built with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. It features card flipping, matching, and scoring mechanics, showcasing skills in JavaScript game logic and Bootstrap grid layout for responsive design.
Alex de Souza Portfolio is a detailed webpage dedicated to the football legend, built with HTML and extensively styled using Sass. The project showcases advanced Sass features like variables, nesting, mixins, and partials to create a visually appealing and well-structured portfolio site.
Umut's Vegan Restaurant App is a fully responsive website designed using Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. The project demonstrates proficiency in Bootstrap's grid system, components, and responsive design, providing a sleek and modern layout for a vegan restaurant.
Cafe Developer is a visually appealing cafe website built with HTML and CSS, showcasing advanced styling techniques like the parallax effect. The project demonstrates proficiency in creating professional, responsive web designs with modern layouts.
Let's build something amazing together. I’m currently open to new opportunities!